Monday, February 2, 2009

What Does The Hog Say?

What day is it?

You got it Ground Hog Day!

I woke Baby Girl at 6:30 to watch Phil come out of his stump and see if he was to see his shadow.

Well in case you have not heard.

Here is what Phil saw:

Phil was happy for his Steelers and unfortunately saw his shadow!

Sorry my dear friends but that means 6 more weeks of winter!

Happy Ground Hog Day!


Heather said...

UGH!!! BOO HISS TO THE GROUND HOG!!! (It was all those tv lights -- he didn't really see his REAL shadow!!)

We were just getting back in BED at 6:30 from being up all night with yucky stomach -- well, I was up all night holding Hadley! (She slept.)

Heidi said...

GIRL - POST ALREADY!!!! I miss you!!!! hope all is well for you my dear friend!