Monday, June 22, 2009

Growing Up?

This summer Not The Baby is participating in a program where they put 14 and 15 year olds out in a summer job. The program is directed by a good friend of mine at our local community center.

Now this is not your typical job, this is being the shadow of a CEO and other college graduate jobs.

Jobs that make you think.....I want to go to college and do this some day for a living.

Well when Not The Baby found out that she would be working with the CEO of our local United Way she right off had no idea what that was.

So after explaining it to her she became ever so slightly more excited then she did before.

Quite frankly I think she was just excited about having to dress up.

Which was a bit of a challenge since we are not dress or skirt going ladies in this house. Well ok......I am not.

So off to garage sales I went in search of carer looking, downtown strutting clothes.

And by George if I didn't find some.

The first time I dropped Not The Baby off at her "job" she was so scared that she wanted me to walk her I did.

Well I didn't walk her into the office but I did ride with her on the elevator up to the floor and watched her walk down the hall to her office.

Her comment to me before getting off the elevator:

Not The Baby: " I'm not old enough for a job Momma".

Momma: "Think of the opportunities sweetheart and the people you will meet, because in life it really is about who you know."

Not The Baby: " I am going to be thinking about all the clothes I am going to buy when they pay me!"

Momma: " Ok, well I really want you to lay on the charm with everyone you meet because you never know when you might need these people to land the carer later after college. Hey not to mention an internship while you are in school."

Not The Baby: " I am going to go to the big city mall Momma when I get paid"

Momma: "I mean you are getting an opportunity that most people never get."

Not The Baby: " I think I will go ahead and buy some jeans for the fall season while I have the money."

Momma: "I wish I were in your shoes right now, getting to rub shoulders with community leaders and people in the know."

Not The Baby: "I don't think I will buy any tank tops though, I think I have enough."

Momma: "Remember names of the people you meet and when you go to community meeting try to remember what they are saying so that you can come home and inform me of any cool stuff that is going to be going on around town."

Not The Baby: " I think I may need to buy a new bra too."

Momma: " You should even take your camera especially when you go to the meeting with the state officials."

Not The Baby: " Can we take No Sugar For Me Girl with us when we go shopping?"

Momma: WHAT?

Not The Baby: What?

Momma: " Have you been listening to anything I have said?"

Not The Baby: Yes...Duhhhhh!

At this point the elevator door is getting ready to open and Not The Baby says to me.

Not The Baby: What is the name of the place I am working and what was the ladies name again?

Momma: OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Momma: United Way and her name is Mrs M.

Momma: Have a great day and let me know what stores you want to do your shopping at later.

You got to love her!

1 comment:

Mama King said...

Hi, Thanks for coming by my blog. About your question, I would pose the question to your readers like I did. You can also start with friends asking them if they know anyone your daughters age abroad willing to exchange letters. Good luck!