A local historial site that houses a muesum in it was holding a festival and luckily we were done with soccer for the afternoon. Baby Girl's reaction to me taking her to it was "How boring, I dont want to go!"
I told her to zip it and she was going and she was going to like it!
The theme was recycling and we got to see some really cool art work that was all made with recyclable material.
There were so many fun crafts for the kids to do as well like this one:
My gum had little pieces of free popcorn kernals in it, now that is gross!
Then there was this lady that was trying to do who knows what to my Baby:
All and all we had the best time ever and I wish we could have stayed longer but we went and had lunch with Brat Baby and then had shopping to do and more soccer!
Baby Girl's reaction to the festival was:
We went at 2:00 (with soccer starting at 3:00) because my FIL didn't want to miss the OU Texas game... He ended up NOT going with us because the game went long. As long as you have priorities!!
LOL Heather.... I wanted to go so bad but well I HAD to watch Texas hand OU their asses. It's a good day to be a Texas fan.
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