Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Depression Is Wanting To Settle In!

This morning I rose before the sun.

Made my my way to the kitchen for my little cup of heaven and told myself that I can do this.

Today is my first day of the 2008- 2009 school year.

I met almost all of our new little ones last night at open house and knew that they like all the others will grab hold of my heart and always hold a special place.

I love my job, the pay really sucks and without Papa I would be in the welfare line at DHS.

But who wouldn't love to be told that you look nice everyday, or that someone loves you over and over and over again.

Gosh if all the adults we meet or work with could only be half as nice as a four year old.

With all of that said I thought that I am ready to go this morning.

Then I look into my bedroom where the two youngest babies have taken up residence and I look at them sleeping and the first feeling I had was depression.

Depressed at the fact that no matter what I do I cant make them stop growing up.

Man do they grow fast.

My first baby girl is on the home stretch of school and then she will be off before you know it.

I do think I have her talked into staying close to home for college though unlike her brother who chooses to be a world away and then calls and tells me after one week of being gone that he is home sick.

Home Sick!!!!

Anyway just make sure that you give some big lovin to your babies today as some of them start school.

Breathe them in.

Because in the blink of an eye they will be grown and calling you telling you that they are home sick.

Happy Wednesday!


Anonymous said...

You just made me cry! The years are going by too fast! 1st and 3rd grades are upon us and where has the time gone. Happy Wednesday and have a great 1st day of school!

BTW: love your hair cut!

Heather said...

I was up before the sun was - that NEVER happens!!! It's that time of year!

Picture Momma said...

You suck!

Here I was doing the 'kids are going back to school hapyy dance' and you have to make me all sad.

I do admit it about killed me when I saw our babies in the big second grade classroom last night. The babies damn it! It just isn't fair. Then I always make the trek back to your classroom and see all the class pics on the wall and really lose it. They were so tiny. Now look at them. damn getting all sad.